
Certyfikate Cradle to Cradle®

Rosa Group, as the only Polish manufacturer of aluminum anodized lighting columns and extension arms, masts and columns for traffic signal lights, received the international Cradle to Cradle certification for its products.

Cradle to Cradle Certified® is an internationally recognized measure of safer and more sustainable products designed for the circular economy. This certificate measures achievement of products that are designed to be fully recyclable and reused indefinitely as new products - hence the name of the "cradle to cradle" certificate. The main idea behind the Cradle to Cradle certificate is to create products that can be fully recycled and re-entered to the economy.

ROSA aluminum anodized poles, masts and extension arms were certified by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. These products were assessed for environmental and social performance across five critical sustainability categories: material health, material reuse, renewable energy and carbon management, water stewardship and social liability. The products achieved SILVER level for each category, which proves the high innovation of this group of products and a high degree of their positive impact on people and the planet.

Aluminum anodized poles, extension arms and masts of the ROSA brand, after their useful life, i.e. after a minimum of 50 years, can be 100% converted into new products.

ROSA's strategy is based on the principles of sustainable development - we are constantly working to improve the quality of products and implement solutions that allow us to minimize the negative impact of our activities on the natural environment. - says Stanisław Rosa, the owner of the company - Obtaining Cradle to Cradle certification and thus confirmation by an independent research institute that the group of our main products meets the highest ecological requirements, and we, as one of the few Polish companies, participate in creating the circular economy is a real distinction for us, and it’s important information for our customers that using our products brings many benefits in economic, social and environmental terms
Certyfikate Cradle to Cradle®

Certyfikate Cradle to Cradle®

Rosa Group, as the only Polish manufacturer of aluminum anodized lighting columns and extension arms, masts and columns for traffic signal lights, received the international Cradle to Cradle certification for its products.

Cradle to Cradle Certified® is an internationally recognized measure of safer and more sustainable products designed for the circular economy. This certificate measures achievement of products that are designed to be fully recyclable and reused indefinitely as new products - hence the name of the "cradle to cradle" certificate. The main idea behind the Cradle to Cradle certificate is to create products that can be fully recycled and re-entered to the economy.

ROSA aluminum anodized poles, masts and extension arms were certified by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. These products were assessed for environmental and social performance across five critical sustainability categories: material health, material reuse, renewable energy and carbon management, water stewardship and social liability. The products achieved SILVER level for each category, which proves the high innovation of this group of products and a high degree of their positive impact on people and the planet.

Aluminum anodized poles, extension arms and masts of the ROSA brand, after their useful life, i.e. after a minimum of 50 years, can be 100% converted into new products.

ROSA's strategy is based on the principles of sustainable development - we are constantly working to improve the quality of products and implement solutions that allow us to minimize the negative impact of our activities on the natural environment. - says Stanisław Rosa, the owner of the company - Obtaining Cradle to Cradle certification and thus confirmation by an independent research institute that the group of our main products meets the highest ecological requirements, and we, as one of the few Polish companies, participate in creating the circular economy is a real distinction for us, and it’s important information for our customers that using our products brings many benefits in economic, social and environmental terms
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